Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Foods to avoid if you have Acne

There are many dermatologists who believe that food and acne have no connection but there are many other dermatologists who know the truth, that there is an undeniable link between what you eat and your acne outbreaks.

It is best to begin by looking at how well your digestive system is functioning. Do you suffer from gas, indigestion, constipation, loose stools or bloating? If the answer is yes then you need to address and treat these digestive issues first. Clear, healthy skin is dependant upon a strong, well functioning digestive system. Supplements, acupuncture and nutrition are very successful in the treatment of digestive conditions.

If your digestive system is working well but you still have these acne outbreaks it is time to look at diet and lifestyle. It is very important to keep your blood sugar balanced and how you do this is by avoiding refined carbohydrates (white bread, sugar). When you eat these blood sugar spiking foods your pancreas responds by releasing large quanitites of INSULIN. Remember insulin is a hormone and we need to keep our hormones balanced if we want good skin. So now we have ingested these unhealthy foods which cause hormonal fluctuations but they also cause internal inflammation in the body.

Tips on how to keep your internal system balanced:

1. Drink water to carry away waste products the body needs water to carry away waste products.

2. Regulate the immune system and digestive system with acidophilus and calm down inflammation.

3. Increase your intake of essential fatty acids (omega 3 oils). I would highly recommend supplementing with NutraSea fish oil. Try to consume fish five times a week (Wild Salmon)

4. Eat hormone- and antibiotic-free meats, poultry. What an animal is fed during rearing is very important. A corn/grain based diet is standard livestock fare and it results in a very high omega 6 content and higher overall fat compared to a grass fed animal. Grass fed animals have a much higher content of omega 3.

5. Eat a whole foods diet high in vegetables, fish and whole grains to detox. Vegetables are necessary to decrease inflammation. Eat vegetables that are bright in color they have the highest nutritional value.

6. Avoid inflammatory foods. These foods include coffee, chocolate, dairy, sugar, potatoes, corn, peanuts, and wheat. All these foods are difficult for the body to digest and create inflammation.

7. I would recommend following the alkaline food chart. Your diet should be 75% alkaline. If you would like a copy of an alkaline food chart just email me at info@sknclinic.ca and I will send you one.

**There are many other factors to consider on your journey to clear and healthy skin. Stay tuned to learn how chinese medicine can treat your acne.**

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SKN basics -Less is More!

When it comes to skin care, less is often more. Success of a good skin care routine isn’t measured by how many products we use or how many steps we take. The secret is to choose fewer products which means you’re more likely to actually use them and actually gain their benefits. Fewer products also means fewer chances of irritation. Ingredients are key when choosing the skin care product that’s right for you. Here are some tips to help you choose what you really need.

It’s all about prevention. Choose a product that helps reverse the damages as well as prevent from further damage and aging. Looking for products with Vitamin C and E is the first step. These are common antioxidants with supporting evidence.

Next is to choose a product with the active ingredients near the top of the list. You want the ingredients advertised on the bottle to be in an effective concentration so the product will work. A well designed treatment protocol doesn’t have one miraculous ingredient that will do everything. Instead, a good skin care product will combine many active agents necessary for its specific role. In Chinese Medicine, several herbs are often mixed together in a formula to help each other work more effectively.

Lastly, avoid common cosmetic ingredients such as parabens, phthalates and sodium lauryl sulphate which have been linked to increased cancer risks. Find out more about these cosmetic chemicals in our upcoming blogs.

For all the reasons mentioned above, the favourite product of the month is the Jade & Ginseng Cleansing Cream for Face and Eyes which can be purchased online http://www.sknclinic.ca/shop/

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Do you ever feel overwhelmed with what skincare products you should be using? They all claim to be the best product out there. I used to feel the same way so I decided i would use clinique. WHY? Because the staff wore labcoats so that in my mind gave them credibility. But since becoming a cosmetic acupuncturist and really immersing myself into the study of skincare products I have come to understand that the products have to be natural, NOT FILLED WITH CHEMICALS. Chemicals are foreign to our skin and will eventually work against the skin causing it to look drab. You must feed your skin with vitamins and minerals in the same way we feed our bodies so we feel and look great. The good news is there are some great product lines out there that will tighten, firm, and rejuvenate your skin so it looks healthy and fresh.

SKN's Top 3 Product Lines:

1. Chi Herbal Formulas (http://www.chiformulas.com/
2. Liliflora (http://www.lilifloraspa.com/)
2. Eminence (http://www.eminenceorganics.com/)

SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic has become the exclusive carrier of Chi Herbal Formulas in Canada. It is the only product line we sell to our clients because we believe it is the best. The staff at SKN all chinese medicine backgrounds and we understand how effective chinese herbs are when they are organically grown. Each herb is packed with vitamins and minerals. You can also purchase the products on line at www.sknclinic.ca/shop.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cosmetic Acupuncture vs. Botox

There is only one similarity between cosmetic acupuncture and botox and that is they both involve needles. Cosmetic Acupuncture is a safe and very effective alternative to the dangerous fillers out there. Your skin will be transformed from the inside out and your skin will GLOW. Not only will you have increased collagen and elastin and decreased fine lines and wrinkles but you will have more energy.

The face is a measure of one's health, so when you are looking to achieve beautiful skin you must look within and treat any internal imbalances. Cosmetic acupuncture is not only a corrective procedure for those with the signs of aging but it is also for those who want to prevent aging from occuring. It can literally stop aging from happening if we start the treatments in our late twenties and early thirties.

We all want to maintain our youth and achieve beautiful skin and now we can without the risks of todays modern day procedures.

So love your skin and body and opt for the natural treatments!!